Vol. 51, z. 2
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Impact of polarization dependent loss on polarization mode dispersion in single-mode fibre
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W niniejszym artykule autor prezentuje model kaskadowy światłowodu jako układu składającego się z kilkudziesięciu segmentów. Model ten jest odpowiedni do rozpatrzenia problemu oddziaływania zjawiska PDL na PMD. Autor na bazie owego modelu przedstawia wyniki symulacji numerycznych. Autor przedstawia proces zmian rozkładu gęstości prawdopodobieństwa różnicowego opóźnienia grupowego w zależności od PDL. Drugim aspektem rozważanym w niniejszym artykule jest zaburzenie ortogonalnosci modów polaryzacyjnych pod wpływem PDL. Na podstawie symulacji numerycznych zostaje przedstawiony stopień degradacji systemu transmisyjnego z PMD pod wpływem niezerowego PDL.
The topic of the article is interdependence of PMD (Polarization Mode Dispersion) and PDL (Polarization Dependent Loss). First of all, the proper mathematical feedback is presented. Description of PMD and PDL by the 2 x 2 Jones complex transmission matrix is provided. Ways of calculating PDL and DGD (Differential Group Delay) out of a matrix are also presented (Jones matrix eigenanalysis JME). After that, the cascade fibre model (model of a fibre that consist of many e.g. 200 pieces) is introduced that reflects all the real system subtleties such as: varying birefringence through changes of temperature and stress, mode coupling and varying of PDL. Then, a set of numerical simulation results (based on the above mentioned model) is presented; these are: DGD probability density functions for different PDL and a plot illustrating the out-of- work time during one-year period as a function of PDL (with fixed PMD). On probability density functions plots the process of evolving distribution function from Maxwellian distribution to a new one due to PDL is shown. The new probability distribution function results in greater probabilities of high DGD values when some amount of PDL is present in the system. On other plots it is shown that linearly increasing PDL of a system produces exponential growth in the amount of out-of-work time during one-year period. The other problem mentioned in the article is the loss of orthogonality of PSP due to the PDL. As an orthogonality measure, a [gamma] coefficient is provided which is a correlation of two PSPs. Then the probability density function of a [gamma] coefficient of a system with PDL is shown. The presented characteristics fits well within the Weibull distribution. At the end the impact of non-orthogonality of PSP on increasing distortions due to PDL on the system with PMD are shown. The distortion manifests with grater probabilities of high DGD than in the case of considering PDL to PMD influence without taking into account the loss of orthogonality of two PSPs. The article outlines the problems which may occur in fibre networks due to the interaction of PMD and PDL and that may not be neglected when introducing high-speed optical networks. It is shown that the measure of average DGD is not sufficient parameter of describing the PMD problem when PDL is taken into consideration.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 11 poz., wykr., tab.
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