Vol. 11, No. 2/3
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A novel approach to Gabor filtering of color textures in introduced. It is based on the complex chromatic Fourier transform.Complex colors are derived from the HSL color space representing intensity-independent color textures.Additionally, a novel Gabor texture feature for the grayscale as well as the color domain is proposed. It relies on local phase changes characterizing the homogeneity of a texture in the spatial frequency domain. Several classification experiments on two image databases are performed to study the texture features according to different color spaces and Gabor filter bank variants. The color features show significantly better results than the grayscale features. Although they are completely intensity-independent, the features on the basis of the complex color space show satisfying results. The RGB based features, where color and intensity work inherently together, perform best. Especially the local phase change measure supplements the known amplitude measure appropriately.
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Bibliogr. 33 poz.
- Aixplain AG, Monheimsallee 22, D-52062, Aachen, Germany,
- Institute of Medical Informatics Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) Aachen, Germany
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