Vol. 32, No. 2
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Different light conditions at the open and shaded sites caused by marginal vegetation affected the structure of cyanobacteria and algae communities, but had no effect on chlorophyll a content. In the open area Hydrurus foetidus (Villars) Trevisan, Homoeothrix janthina (Bornet et Flahault) Starmach, and diatoms (mainly Achnanthes minutissima Kütz. together with A. biasolettiana Grun. and species from the Gomphonema genus ) were the most numerous. In shadow the abundance of Hydrurus foetidus drastically decreased, whereas the diatom biomass index, Achnanthes minutissima and A. biasolettiana showed a tendency to reduce their number. On the contrary, the abundance of green algae and Cocconeis placentula Ehr. var. euglypta Ehr. increased. Chlorophyll a contents of both sites obtain the highest values in summer - autumn and the lowest in the winter - spring seasons.
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Bibliogr. 35 poz., tab., wykr.
- Karol Starmach Institute of Freshwater Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences Sławkowska 17, 31-016 Kraków, Poland,
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