[Z] 64, 9-10
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Preparation of fragrance ingredients on the way of terpenes oxidation by using sustainable chemistry rules
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The review presents some of the key catalytic transformations of a major monoterpene feedstocks. Green chemistry is a philosophy of chemical research and engineering that encourages design of products and processes that reduce the use and generation of dangerous substances. Thus one of the challenging goals of organic synthesis and catalysis is to develop stable heterogeneous catalysts capable to operate at ambient conditions perform selectivity as high as that of homogeneous catalysts. Terpenes represent one of the largest and most diverse classes of compounds, with over 55,000 members isolated to date. Their further oxidation and rearrangement results in an almost endless number of conceivable structures. Monoterpenes are key ingredients in the flavor and fragrance industry, with α- and β-pinene (obtained from turpentine) being some of the most important. The review focuses on the terpenes: pinene, limonene, and the interconversion of the monooxygenates: geraniol, nerol, citronellol, and citronellal. The major areas covered are catalytic hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis, dehydrogenation, rearrangement/ isomerization. However, this review focuses mainly on the oxidation of pinene and geraniol on heterogeneous catalysts.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 64 poz., fot., schem.
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