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A short overview of economic applications of expert systems
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The aim of this article is to present a short overview of expert systems applied in various fields of economy. Of course, the overview is not a complete one - its only task is to show that expert systems are infomiatics systems commonly used in economy, especially in highly-developed countries, and their further development is necessary to improve the quality of companies management. As it will be presented in the article, expert systems are applied in many important fields of economy, e.g. in: finance, accountancy, banking system, insurance system, management etc. In these areas expert systems are used for: forecasting of: bankruptcy, stock prices, rates of exchange, financial indicators; evaluating of future contracts prices or properties prices; firms classification, cost minimisation, tax planning etc. The growing interest of expert systems in economy is a result of a possibility of imitating a human way of thinking which is necessary to assist a human decision maker in a process of taking a decision.
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Bibliogr. 33 poz.
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