Vol. 38, No.2
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The presented study is a review of available geochemical data concerning a dredge area in the Puck Bay. It is a small, semi-closed and degraded water body on the Polish Baltic coast. In this region very deep dredging was conducted in the years 1989-95. Five dredge pits were created in the bottom of the bay. Only two of them have been geochemically investigated so far. In the deepwater parts of both the dredge pits organic matter accumulation resulted in sulfate reduction and subsequent hydrogen sulfide production in the sediment, as well as elevated nutrient concentrations in the interstitial waters. Moreover, temporal oxygen deficits in the near bottom waters were observed. Such conditions favor nitrogen and phosphorus release to the water column and potentially enhance the eutrophication. The impact of deep dredging on the chemical conditions in the dredged area seems to be controlled by a complex interplay of the season, phytoplankton biomass production and hydrodynamic conditions. Areas with high biomass production and low water dynamic are probably more vulnerable to environmental degradation due to deep dredging. This implies that some of the dredge pits require different methods of recultivation than others. However the decision if, and with which methods, to remediate dredge pits in the Puck Bay requires successive research including all the pits in all four seasons.
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bibliogr. 63 poz., tab., wykr.
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