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The objective of this study was to determine the change in phytoplankton biomass in Lake Niegocin following modernization of the sewage treatment plant in Giżycko, Poland in 1994. Phytoplankton samples were taken from March to November 1991 – 2001, and chlorophyll levels were determined from 1986 through 2001. High levels of total phytoplankton biomass (max. 8.2 mg l-1) and chlorophyll concentrations (max. 93.9 ?g l-1) were recorded in Lake Niegocin up to 1994. Filamentous cyanoprokaryotes (90%), mainly Planktothrix agardhii and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, were the most abundant taxa in summer. After modernization of the wastewater treatment plant (1995 to 1999), there was a change in the composition of the phytoplankton, biomass decreased threefold and chlorophyll concentrations fourfold, with dinoflagellates (Peridinium sp. div., Ceratium hirundinella) becoming dominant in the summer. However, increased biomass (max. 6.3 mg l-1) and concentrations of photosynthetic pigments (max. 46.5 ?g l-1) occurred in 2000 and 2001, with the summer phytoplankton dominated by cyanoprokaryotes (e.g. Microcystis aeruginosa, Leptolyngbya thermalis).
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bibliogr. 70 poz., tab., wykr.
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