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The 5th Baltic Sea Science Congress, Sopot, 20-24 June 2005
Języki publikacji
In order to draw implications for ballast water management, we tested the tolerance of two Ponto-Caspian mysid species Paramysis lacustris and Limnomysis benedeni to sudden salinity changes. The naturally stenohaline P. lacustris was more susceptible to higher salinities; its mortality rate at 19 PSU was 60%, whereas exposure to 23 PSU was 100% lethal. The euryhaline L. benedeni survived in salinities of up to 19 PSU, but experienced 100% mortality at 34 PSU. The return of both mysid species to fresh water after the 24 h exposure to higher salinities did not prevent further mortality. Considering the rather high short-term salinity tolerance of both species, a salinity of at least 30 PSU should be used as an appropriate biocide.
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bibliogr. 42 poz., tab., wykr.
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