Vol. 71, nr 2,3
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Pawlak had proposed the notion of rough truth in 1987 [16]. The article takes a fresh look at this ``soft'' truth, and presents a formal system LR, that is shown to be sound and complete with respect to a semantics determined by this notion. LR is based on the modal logic S5. Notable is the rough consequence relation defining LR (a first version introduced in [9]), and rough consistency (also introduced in [9]), used to prove the completeness result. The former is defined in order to be able to derive roughly true propositions from roughly true premisses in an information system. The motivation for the latter stems from the observation that a proposition and its negation may well be roughly true together. A characterization of LR-consequence shows that the paraconsistent discussive logic J of Ja\'skowski is equivalent to LR. So, LR, developed from a totally independent angle, viz. that of rough set theory, gives an alternative formulation to this well-studied logic. It is further observed that pre-rough logic [3] and 3-valued ukasiewicz logic are embeddable into LR.
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bibliogr. 19 poz.
- Departtment of Mathematics and Statistics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 208016, India,
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