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2003 | [Z] 57, 3-4 | 185--222
Tytuł artykułu

Możliwości i ograniczenia metod oznaczania lotnych i średniolotnych związków organicznych w wodach

Warianty tytułu
Advantages and limitations of methods for determination of volatile and semivolatile organic compounds in water samples
Języki publikacji
This work presents different analytical techniques of isolation, preconcentration and determination of organic compounds in water samples. One of unique analytical techniques which do not require any sample preparation before its injection into a chromatographic column is Direct Aqueous Injection (DAI). A classical DAI based procedure, described by K.Grob, for determination of halogenoorganic compounds in water using GC with electron capture detection (GC-ECD) is presented. Advantages and limitations of the technique are discussed. New areas of DAI application are suggested including analytical tasks (determination of organic substances in different aqueous samples) for which solvent and gas extraction techniques are not effective. The techniques of isolation and preconcentration are used in many cases of determination of organic compounds in environmental samples. The review is aimed at description of applicability of Liquid-Liquid Extraction, Membrane Extraction, Gas Extraction and Solid Phase Extraction to determine organic compounds of different chemical nature in water samples. The characteristics of techniques are discussed with respect to: detection limits, time and labor required, possibility of automation, analysis cost and possibility of elimination of solvents, which can be a source of environmental pollution. The studies on the techniques modification to extend their application ranges are discussed, too.

Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 180 poz., rys., tab.
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