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The chemical industry of today in the light of environmental protection requirements
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The consumption of manufactured chemical (product) has a manifold effect on resources and the environment. The chemical industry undertakes many activities to meet the requirements of environmental protection. Two environmental management techniques, i.e. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) [10] and Risk Assessment [13-15] are described and discussed in this paper. LCA studies the environmental aspects and potential impacts throughout the product's life from raw material acquisition through production, use, and disposal. Risk assessment is a formalized analysis of the adverse impact of some specific material, chemical, or procedure on humans and/or the environment. Examples of life cycle inventory (LCI which is part LCA) for detergent alcohols production [12] and risk assessment for detergent surfactants use [21] are given. Finally, some new types of chemodegradable surfactants are described. This term has been used since 1988 [22, 23] to describe 'hydrolyzable' [24, 25], 'cleavable' [26, 27], and 'destructible' [27] surfactants that contain in their molecules at least one functional group susceptible to chemical reactions in aqueous environment (Scheme 1). In such reactions, surface-active substances lose their chemical identity and, in many cases, surface properties as well. In this respect, chemodegradability is similar to primary biodegradabiblity because a surface active substance is degraded in these processes to an extent that is environmentally acceptable [28]. This paper reports the synthesis of chemodegradable surfactants bearing in their molecules an ester or an acetal function, the latter being represented by cyclic 1,3-dioxolane or 1,3-dioxane structure (Scheme 3).
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Bibliogr. 77 poz., schem., wykr.
- Instytut Technologii Organicznej i Tworzyw Sztucznych Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wybrzeże S. Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław
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