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On-board diagnostics of diesel engines with using the non-linear methods of signal analyses
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Omówiono zastosowanie metod nieliniowej analizy sygnalów, bazujących na teorii chaosu deterministycznego, do diagnostyki silnika wysokoprężnego na bazie sygnalów wibroakustycznych pozyskiwanych z silnika. Silnik spalinowy, obok zachowań stochastycznych i regularnych, wykazuje również zachowania chaotyczne, co może być wykorzystane do usprawnienia jego diagnostyki, szczególnie w perspektywie wprowadzenia obligatoryjnych systemów diagnostyki pokładowej. Przedstawiono krótki opis podstawowych metod analizy nieliniowej oraz przykład zastosowania analizy chaotycznej do sygnalów wibracyjnych pochodzących od czujników przyspieszenia zainstalowanych na korpusie silnika.
The application of the methods of the non-linear signal analyses, based on the theory of the deterministic chaos, for diagnostics of the Diesel engine on base of the vibroacoustic signals taken from the engine is discussed in this work. By the stochastic and regular behaviours the diesel engine also shows the chaotic ones what can be used for improving its diagnostics especially in perspective of introduction the obligatory systems of the on-board diagnostics. The short description of the primary methods of the non-linear analysis and the practical example of application the chaotic analysis for the vibratory signals taken from the acceleration sensors installed on the engine body are presented in this paper. from the acceleration sensors installed on the engine body arę presented in this paper.On-board diagnostics of diesel engines with using the non-lincar methods of signal analyses. The application of the methods of the non-linear signal analyses, based on the theory of the deterministic chaos, for diagnostics of the Diesel engine on base of the vibroacoustic signals taken from the engine is discussed in this work. By the stochastic and regular behaviours the diesel engine also shows the chaotic ones what can be used for improving its diagnostics especially in perspective of introduction the obligatory systems of the on-board diagnostics. The short description of the primary methods of the non-linear analysis and the practical example of application the chaotic analysis for the vibratory signals taken from the acceleration sensors installed on the engine body arę presented in this paper.
Opis fizyczny
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- Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku
- Politechnika Poznańska
- Instytut Pojazdów Szynowych "TABOR"
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