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Application of neural networks to prediction of partial variation effects in company's turnover in a spatial-brand structure. Part I
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Dokonano przeglądu zastosowań sieci neuronowych w prognozowaniu, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zastosowań ekonomicznych.. Przedstawiono ogólne zasady prognozy szeregów czasowych za pomocą sieci neuronowych. Zaprezentowano metodę Sterna-Styczyńskiego obliczania efektów cząstkowych zmian obrotów przedsiębiorstwa w układzie przestrzenno-branżowym.
The paper examined the possibility to applying neural networks to prediction of partial variation effects in company's turnover in a spatial-brand structure. First, an extensive review if neural network applications for economic forecasting is provided. The general aspects of time series prediction using neural networks are discussed. The different architectures of neural networks are presented. Attention is mainly paid to the feed forward networks, recurrent networks and radial basis function networks. Some aspects of initial data processing are also discussed. Finally, the Stern-Tyszyński, method of calculating partial variation effects in company turnover in a spatial-brand structure is briefly presented. A practical example will be presented in the second part of the paper which will appear soon in this journal.
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Bibliogr. 46 poz., rys.
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