Warianty tytułu
Modelling of a man jumping into ashallow water
Modelowanie w mechanice/Sympozjum (XLIV; 2005; Gliwice; Polska)
Języki publikacji
W pracy przedstawiono badania modelowe dotyczące wewnętrznych sił, jakie pojawiają się na poszczególnych poziomach kręgosłupa szyjnego w sytuacji skoku do płytkiej wody. W celu dokonania analizy stworzono płaski dynamiczny model człowieka o masie 75 kg upadającego na głowę zwysokosci. Model zostal sformułowany w systemie Working Model 2D i uwzględnia: glowę, siedem kręgów szyjnych, tułów oraz kończyny dolne. Poszczególne człony traktowane są jako elementy sztywne, połączone przegubowo, natomiast tkanki miękkie reprezentowane są przez elementy sprężysto - tłumiące o zadawanej charakterystyce liniowej.
Modelling researches of internal forces which appear at different cervical spine level in situation corresponding to jump into a shallow water are presented in this paper. In order to carry out the numerical analysis of interactions between vertebrae two - dimensional model of 75 kg falling down man was created. Working Model 2D system was used to formulate the model which consists of: head, seven cervical vertebrae, trunk and lower limbs. Each member is assumed as rigid body, joined by articulated joint and linear spring - dumper elements with linear characteristic. The formulated model allows to carry out numerical simulation of dynamic forces, which appear in soft tissue represented by spring - dumper elements. Several cases of falling down depending on angle between body axis and the base were analysed. Obtained results of numerical simulation should be treated as qualitative. The largest forces were observed in lower part of cervical spine. It point out at greater possibility of injury in this place during fall down which was also proved by clinical practice because the most frequent case is damage of C6 (sixth cervical vertebrae). The results could be treated as additional validation of the model. Numerical analysis proved that the most dangerous for life case is the jump when axis of body is perpendicular to the base.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz.
- Katedra Mechaniki Stosowanej Politechnika Śląska, 44-100 Gliwice, Konarskiego 18A tel. 32 237-13-09, marek.gzik@polsl.pl
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