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Wpływ prędkości przepływu na wyniki pracy nisko obciążonego biofiltru spływowego
Języki publikacji
Laboratory tests were carried out to assess the influence of flow velocity on the performance of a downflow biofilter treating a domestic wastewater with low concentration of organic carbon. Flow velocities ranged from 0.26 to 0.65 m h-1, corresponding to hydraulic retention times from 19.5 to 48.6 minutes, and the incoming organic load ranged from 41.5 to 47.0 g C m-3 h-1. The performance of the biofilter, filled with puzzolane grains, was analysed in terms of total organic carbon (TOC) removal and total suspended solids (TSS) removal. The effect of varying flow velocity on biofilter performance was analysed taking into account the hydrodynamic characteristics observed in two media sections (TM - P1 and TM - P2) and for the total media depth. The highest TOC removal efficiency was observed for the lower velocity reaching 40.2% of the total incoming organic load. For velocities between 0.39 and 0.65 m h-1 the total organic load removal rate (rv C) was stable with values ranging from 26.3 to 33.6 g C m-3 h-1 corresponding to TOC removal efficiencies from 28.6 to 37.8%. In the upper filter section (TM - P1) a higher removal of organic carbon (deltaC) and TSS (deltaTSS) was observed, which seemed to be related to the occurrence of large dispersion conditions and the likely presence of completely mixed regime. The TSS removal was stable within the range of applied flow rates and seemed to not be influenced by the flow velocity. However, to maintain a good performance the biofilter should be washed every five days of the operating period. The results showed that this type of device would be very useful to reduce the residual organic and solid loads present in secondary treated domestic wastewaters minimizing environmental impacts on receiving waters. The final effluent characteristic indicated that in can be used for some reuse purposes. These last conclusions make admit thas this type of biofilter may be used as a useful tool to help water resources authorities to fulfil some objectives defined by the European Water Directive (Directive 2000/60/EC).
Aby ocenić wpływ prędkości przepływu na wyniki pracy nisko obciążonego biofiltru spływowego, oczyszczającego ścieki domowe o niskim stężeniu węgla organicznego przeprowadzono badania laboratoryjne. Prędkości przepływu były w przedziale od 0,26 do 0,65 mh-1, co odpowiada hydraulicznym czasom zatrzymania od 19,5 do 48,6 minut, a ładunek organiczny był w przedziale od 41,5 do 47,0 gCm-3h-1. Wyniki pracy biofiltru napełnionego ziarnami pucolanowymi, były analizowane pod względem usuwania całkowitego węgla
Opis fizyczny
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