Warianty tytułu
Reshaping of geographical space and urban development: the case of Cracow
Języki publikacji
The Spatial Planning and Land Development Act effective since 2003 constitutes a legal framework and a formal basis for investment activities. Is the urban space reshaped in accordance with municipal spatial policies in this legal environment? The author presents the findings of analyses concerning the changes of land development in Cracow in the 2003.2007 period, with reference to urban units. The presentation offers findings of congruence analysis of the building conditions decisions issued and the Study of Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development as well as building permits issued with reference to the areas designated for development or already developed. Economic development of a city can be measured by means of various indicators to detect trends of vital importance for city management. The analyses presented pertain to the changes of the number of inhabitants, business entities and employees registered in a particular urban unit. They were conducted on the basis of data gathered by the Municipal Spatial Information System and the Central Statistical Office.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 6 poz.
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Typ dokumentu
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