Warianty tytułu
A proposal to reform the technical guidelines G-3.4 incorporating new measurement technologies
Języki publikacji
W artykule skoncentrowano się na omówieniu koncepcji budowy modelu nowej instrukcji technicznej w znaczeniu o wiele szerszym, opartym m.in. o model pojęciowy procesu inwentaryzacji zapisany w języku UML, zgodnie z zaleceniami Open Geospatial Consortium. Zaproponowano stosowanie naziemnego skanowania laserowego, jako nowoczesnej technologii rejestrującej obiekty (w tym budowlane) w otaczającej ludzi georeferencyjnej przestrzeni informacyjnej.
The paper is the continuation of the discussion presented on the PTFiT conference in Międzyzdroje in 2008, and on the AGH conference in May 2009. Development of technology entails an urgent need for new approach to creation of standards for various types of surveys. One of the areas rapidly changing recently is a very broad inventory of buildings. In their study, the authors attempt to demonstrate that the existing technical guidelines for measuring the performance of work are outdated and should be changed. The paper presents the results of experiments in the field of measurement of buildings with the usage of laser scanner. Based on their experience the authors point to the need for a complex approach to define standards for performance of measurements works, to abandon suggesting specific technologies in these standards, to be replaced by a formal description of the procedures and the required accuracy. Technical guidelines issued by the Surveyor General of Poland in 1980s are not universally applicable legal standards and must be replaced by new standards of work measurement developed in accordance with the principles of spatial data infrastructure creation. The paper discusses the concept of building a new model of technical guidelines based on the conceptual model of the process of inventory in the UML language in accordance with the recommendations of Open Geospatial Consortium technologies for ground-based laser scanning measuring technology as a modern way of registration of all sorts of objects (including buildings), property (including construction) in the surrounding us geo-referenced geo-information space.
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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