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The effect of building regulations on the manner of shaping multi-family housing architecture in 19th century Wroclaw
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Rewolucja francuska postawiła wiele państw ówczesnej Europy w obliczu konieczności przeprowadzenia głębokich reform politycznych i społecznych. W Prusach reformy te - określane mianem reform Steina-Hardenberga - wprowadzono w życie głównie w latach 1807-1813, two-rząc nowoczesne społeczeństwo na fundamencie równości wobec prawa [15, s. 77]. Pośród wielu innych ustaw w okresie wielkich reform opracowano i opublikowano (19 XI 1808 r.) ordynację o miastach (Stadteordnung), mającą decydujący wpływ na rozwój miejskiego samorządu w dziewiętnastowiecznych Niemczech. Zgodnie z nową ordynacją, gmina miejska, jako osoba prawa publicznego, którą tworzył ogół jej obywateli, otrzymywała szerokie uprawnienia w sprawach polityki wewnętrznej [20, s. 236]. Wrocławski magistrat wykorzystał nowe przywileje, podejmując decyzję o przyłączeniu do miasta podwrocławskich przedmieść. Rozszerzenie granic miasta ułatwiła, zapoczątkowana w 1807 r., rozbiórka murów miejskich. Tereny po-forteczne oraz pas przedpola ogniowego rozparcelowano w 1813 r., przeznaczając 500 mórg na urządzenie promenad, pozostałą natomiast część sprzedając prywatnym inwestorom. Władze miasta straciły tym samym wpływ na sposób zagospodarowania nowo wytyczonych kwartałów, według bowiem przepisów Powszechnego Pruskiego Prawa Krajowego (Allgemeine Preussisches Landrecht), obowiązującego od 1794 r., kwestie zabudowy terenów prywatnych rozstrzygał ich właściciel opierając się na przepisach lokalnego prawa budowlanego i przepisów przeciwpożarowych.
The history of urban development of Wroclaw begins in 1807 - then the demolition of the town's fortifications began. A year later Wroclaw suburbs were incorporated into the town, the fortress grounds were parcelled out and sold to private investigators. In the first half of the 19th century a homogeneous building law was not created - requirements relating to new tenement-houses constructed in the historical centre of Wroclaw were defined by the Austrian building statute of 1668, while the manner of shaping building development in the suburbs was regulated by the Common Prussian National Law (Allgemeine Preussisches Landrecht) which was enforced in 1794. The new building law was passed in 1851. According to the new rules, buildings assigned for habitation were to be situated along the line of development defined by the Police Presidium. All newly planned apartment- or tenement-houses could have not more than four storeys, of a minimum hight of the storey of 8 feet, of the inside diameter (2.5 m). In the mentioned set of law acts, the principles of planning housing architecture were treated in a very general way, special emphasis was layed on the aspects of fire protection of the buildings. The problems with which building of the first half of the 19th century had to grapple were reflected in further Wroclaw building law regulations, which came into being in 1864. The increasing building compactness within one property exacted on the legislator the determining of the minimal back-yard surface which should be maintained between buildings constructed on the same plot of ground. The hight of the buildings was delimited by subordinating it to the width of the street in which the house was situated. Whereas, the form of the facades depended on the width of the pavement. These regulations, most probably, were to contribute to the uniformity of housing constructions raised, more or less, at the same time, in neighbouring properties. The next building law was passed in 1883. Its regulations related to planning of multi-family buildings, basically repeated the recomendations of the 1864 act - only few regulations were amended, while all required dimensions were re-counted from measurements in feet into meters. An important supplement to the building regulations was the entry, formulated in 1884, in which were defined the requirements referring to the relations between buildings situated in neighbouring properties. The demand was to raise houses at a minimum distance of 3 m. from the neighbour's border or directly by it. Fundamental changes came in a consecutive, the last 19th century building law, published in 1892, in which the legislators undertook the first attempt at "zoning" the regulations, adopting them to different urbanistic conditions which existed in the historic centre of the town and beyond it. For the first time, in this act, attention was payed to aspects of health in the shaping of housing architecture.
Opis fizyczny
bibliogr. 24 poz., rys. 8
- Politechnika Wrocławska
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA