Warianty tytułu
Analysis of filling of forest space based on the CAD models
Języki publikacji
The filling of forest space should be defined by a set of synthetic indicators describing structural and dynamic features. The utilization of these indicators in forest sciences, such as forest management or forest nurcery could help in research of development processes in forests. This is necessary in planning the activity related to forest management and protection, in particular . to forest regeneration, maintenance and utilization. An attempt to analyze the filling of forest space was taken in 2007. The experimental material was collected from 50 circular test plots located in the community of fertile Carpathian beech forests in lower-mountain zone of Bieszczady National Park. The results of measurements were imported to AutoCAD 2007 software that was used for spatial analyses. The range of works in the field included measurements of many different structural features in all plant layers of the stand. Moreover, on all test plots azimuths of each tree, as well as distance from the center of the plot to all trees from old-tree layer were measured. These measurements were used for spatial analyses of the distribution of trees in forest space. Area of one tree is contained at a range of 7,69.50,00 m2 and on most test plots it did not deviate very much from the average value (18,13 m2). Average space of one tree amounted to 475,17 m3. On plots in the younger development phases, where there were more trees with small dimensions, value of space of one tree amounted to ca. 120 m3. Besides, random spatial type of distribution of trees dominated on most plots (72%) and not many cases pointed at group distribution. In this study, some indicators were suggested to make forest space characteristics possible. Determination of these parameters may serve analyses of the structure of forest space within the stand. In the future, the indicators can provide some important hints in forest silvicultural and management planning. Further research is needed related to spatial analysis in order to create the synthetic indicators describing structural and dynamic features of all types of stands.
Opis fizyczny
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