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Filtration properties melt blown nonwovens produced from polycarbonate
Języki publikacji
The development of new technologies and often associated with this phenomenon is the emergence of new threats, determine the improvement protective fukctions of measures to the protection of the human environment. The article presents the results of research related to improving the efficiency of filter materials used for the construction of respiratory protective devices. The aim of this study was to examine the possibility of using the technology, melt blown electret nonwovens polycarbonate (PC) as an alternative to currently used polypropylene (PP). From the viewpoint of the properties of nonwovens used in the protection of the respiratory protective devices characterized by valuable PC properties, such as high temperature resistance, good electrical insulating properties, biological inertness, and ease of recycling. For nonwoven with PC (opion 2) obtained lower values of aerosol penetration model (higher filtration efficiency) than for nonwoven PP. Studies have shown that PC can be used to produce nonwoven melt blown filtration method, intended for the construction of respiratory protective devices.
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Bibliogr. 28 poz., rys., tab.
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