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Optimization of the performance properties of textiles from synthetic fibers as a result of their modification with corona discharge
Języki publikacji
Corona discharge as one of the forms of atmospheric plasma is a future pro-ecological alternative of many conventional wet treatment processes but it can also significantly assist in performing these processes. This is however conditioned by the adaptation of corona discharge characteristics to the properties of textiles being treated and the use of plasma under controlled, appropriately optimized process conditions to the expected results. To accomplish the aim of this study, there was designed and made a generator adapted to the needs of corona discharge treatment of textiles, equipped with special, original multi-segment electrodes that make it possible to obtain the expected high extent of fiber surface modification. and to maintain the fiber original strength properties at the same time. The treatment of synthetic fiber fabrics with corona discharge by means of this generator under specified optimized process conditions, which allow one to provide the fibers under modification with an optimized unit energy of activation, results in both physical and chemical changes in the top layer of these fabrics and consequently causing a significant modification of the technological and performance properties of the fabrics. The changes in the basic surface properties of fabrics from three major types of synthetic fibers -polyester, polyamide and polypropylene fibers, taking place due to this modification, are presented in relation to three selected woven fabrics made from multi-filament continuous yarns. All in all, the preliminary modification of such woven fabrics with corona discharge and the resultant changes in surface properties results in the expected improvement in the technological and performance properties of the modified textiles, including first of all wettability, which exerts a positive influence on the conditions of applying various auxiliary agents or fiber dyeability, as well as considerable increase in the adhesion to various polymeric coats, quality improvement of laminate bonding, water-tightness of coated fabrics and fastness of pigment printed fabrics. Another important use of the energy of corona discharge for the activation of synthetic fiber top layer makes it possible to impart new performance properties to modified fabrics by the formation of activated functional nano-layers. The positive effects of the improvement in the technological and/or performance properties of textiles treated with corona discharge justify the usefulness of using this treatment as pro-ecological assistance in performing various fiber finishing processes, and in some application even as the alternative to conventional processes. Under present conditions of growing water and energy shortage and increasing hazard to the environment and its protection costs, this pro-ecological aspect of the plasma processes is of paramount importance.
Opis fizyczny
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