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2004 | nr 5 | 205-212
Tytuł artykułu

Analiza zmian momentu i współczynnika tarcia poprzez wykorzystanie pomiaru wielkości elektrycznych

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Analysis moment and coefficient of friction changes across uses the measurement of electric sizes
Języki publikacji
Znajomość przebiegu procesów tribologicznych jest niezwykle ważna w prognozowaniu trwałości elementów maszyn i urządzeń, co bez wątpienia wpływa na wydłużenie czasu pracy danej maszyny. Dlatego też autorzy niniejszego artykułu przeprowadzili szereg badań określających zmiany natężenia prądu zabezpieczającego pracę układu napędowego głowicy roboczej. Badania te miały na celu przedstawienie korelacji zmian natężenia prądu z wielkością zmian momentu tarcia oraz ukazanie możliwości określania podstawowych wielkości tribologicznych (moment tarcia, współczynnik tarcia, siła tarcia) przy pomocy odczytu i analizy wielkości elektrycznych.
The analysis of frictional drags is a basic trouble in the job opinion of the tribological arrangement. Having in view were explored indication possibility the taken by driving arrangement of working knuckle to qualification of correlation with sizes of frictional drags utilization of measurement of changes of current electric intensity, and in peculiarity of moment the friction as well as coefficient of friction. They experimental tests were conducted on modified Amsler's tribotester. The modification in main measure depended on passage with registration of changes of size frictional drag with mechanical measures on measurements these the size the electronic units, as well as in relays the investigative method with arrangement of type the shield - the shield (the disk he disk) on arrangement of type the pin -the shield (the pin the he disk). All the measured sizes can be sended for mediation of converters and record-keeper of universal type Vectron to computer store, which permits on it the follow-up action the changes in real-time as well as the easy and quick analysis of got results. In conducted investigations measurement depended on inrolment the changes of size of current electric intensity taken by arrangement with the help of amperometer APPA engaged in exciting circuit. However the use of arrangement tensometer gave the possibility of registration of moment friction. It in of assurance of linear dependence taken by arrangement of electric current with weight of measuring knuckle aim belonged to alter the kind of excitement with daisy chain the engine on parallel arrangement. They in track of investigation be recorded simultaneously: the size of current electric intensity, temperature of race, moment of friction. Execution on three samples these investigations simultaneously as well as the conducted to the end analysis of mass losses permitted to establish, it with exactitude of measurements be closes in borders 10-11%. How to be visible from calculations both these values Pt-elektr and Pt - mech are to me the moss approximate what the received direction of investigations confirms relating the utilization of measurements of electric sizes to carrying out the analysis of changes of moment friction together with with coefficient of friction, as well as to controlment of course of process of friction. The measurement of electric sizes (the intensity and voltage) is a lot of easier from direct measurement of frictional drags, which joins with precise realization of bridges the tensometrycznych fault-tolerant little mechanical and temperature. This permits in future to explore the post of frictional tests chosen rubbing in this steams also and materials from modified top layer.

Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys.
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  • Katedra Podstaw Techniki, Politechnika Lubelska, ul. Nadbystrzycka 38D, 20-618 Lublin
  • Katedra Podstaw Techniki, Politechnika Lubelska, ul. Nadbystrzycka 38D, 20-618 Lublin
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