Tytuł artykułu
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Assessment of the potential influence of salmonid fish cultures on the quality of surface waters
Języki publikacji
In our country, the ecological network of Nature 2000 areas has acquired an untouchable status. This view is incompatible with the national law (environment protecion act) as well as the European one (habitats directive), where the appropriate clauses give the possibility to undertake actions in the Natura 2000 zones under some conditions. These conditions were fulfilled by Spaniards when building a retention reservoir of the retention level of 119 m. in one of the Natura 2000 areas.
For the last several years we have observed in Poland a positive tendency of the surface waters quality improvement, resulting mainly from the elimination of pollution sources and the developing awareness of the necessity to observe environmental law. The fishing economy can also be counted among dynamically developing industries, especially the fish culture requiring decisive steps in order to determine the volume and type of pollutions introduced to surface waters and the extent to which it can influence the biological balance in water environment. The article presents results of quality research regarding the water inflowing and outflowing from fish ponds of a fish farm located in the Pomorskie Voivodeship, supplied with technological water from the Reda River. Based on the obtained results it was stated that the existence of such fish farms can potentially increase the level of pollution in the watercourse. However, the threat posed by fish farms is generally small and it is more related to the quality of the recipient waters than with the real load of pollutions drained from the farm.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 12 poz
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Typ dokumentu
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