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Masonry arches arc efficient structural systems that have been used for centuries in important constructions. Since some of them have been sensitively affected by structural pathologies, it can be difficult for engineers to assess the remaining stability of the structure. The numerical simulation of this kind of problem often constitutes an interesting approach whose crucial point is the modelling of the interface between the vous-soirs. This paper proposes a simplified Finite Element modelling using virtual truss bars exhibiting a non-linear behaviour. After the description of the procedure, the paper presents three classical approaches that can be used in order to validate the results obtained with the simplified one: limit analysis theory, finite element simulation performed in a general framework, and a lab test campaign. An original complementary approach based on a multi-body system formulation has also been described. Key results obtained with the different approaches have been compared briefly for a case study.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz.
- Faculte Polytechnique de Mons Civil Engineering & Structural Mechanics Rue de Houdain 9 - 7000 Mons - Belgium Tel.: +32 65 37 45 32; fax: +32 65 37 45 28, laurent.vanparys@fpms.ac.be
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