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The increased use of Mg-alloys for stressed automotive components has created a demand for a better mechanistic under-standing of the environmental and mechanical influences contributing to Transgranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (TGSCC). TGSCC is the inherent mode of failure for Mg alloys exposed to aqueous environments below their yield stress. It is gener-ally accepted that the predominant mechanism(s) for TGSCC is a type of Hydrogen Assisted Cracking (HAC); however, the specific nature of this mechanism(s) is equivocal. The most commonly proposed mechanism is Delayed Hydride Cracking (DHC). This work investigates its tenability by comparing experimental measurements of the stress corrosion crack velocity, Vc with predictions based on a numerical model for DHC. The measured velocity was in the range of 7x10-10 m/s to 5x10-9 m/s. The initial prediction of the DHC model is 5x10-7 m/s. An investigation into the sensitivity of the model to input parameters is currently underway.
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Bibliogr. 29 poz., rys., tab.
- Materials Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
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