[R.] 17, nr 6
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"Diagnostyka Materiałów Polimerowych 2011". Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo-Techniczna (1 ; 09-18.12.2011 ; Gliwice, Polska - Male (Val di Sole), Italy)
Języki publikacji
Purpose of this paper is development of the mathematical models of the methods of treatment with using loose solid balls. The main methods used for the theoretical research are mathematical modelling, integral calculus, fundamentals of analytic geometry, probability theory, hydraulics of multiphase flow. The main methods used for the experimental investigations were conducted by receiving diagrams of removed material depth, microhardness of the oblique slices of the treated samples, speckle interferograms of the surfaces treated with using loose solid balls. Method of mathematical modeling for treatment with using loose solid balls is developed based on the energy conception. Mathematical model is created that allows calculating the characteristics of surface quality depending on the technological modes of the treatment. It is planned developing and improving the mathematical modeling methods of the treatment with using loose solid balls in future research by extending theirs for the curvilinear treated surfaces. Practical implications has the applied software, elaborated on the models basis, that allows providing for calculations automation of the surface quality characteristics depending on the technological modes.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 8 poz., rys.
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