Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
The usage of crash simulation for improving the road safety
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono metodykę numerycznego modelowania crash-testów drogowych na przykładzie wybranego układu pojazd-drogowa bariera ochronna oraz możliwości nowoczesnych systemów obliczeniowych do numerycznej symulacji przebiegu zderzeń. Dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych systemów CAD/CAE możliwa jest dogłębna analiza problemu, w tym analiza pól naprężeń, odkształceń oraz energochłonności badanych układów.
The paper presents the methodology of numerical modelling of road crash tests based on the selected vehicle-road barrier system using the possibilities of modern CAD/CAE computing systems for a numerical simulation process of the collision. Owing to these systems, thorough analysis of the process of collision, including the analysis of the stress and strain fields and energy consumption in the tested systems, is possible. It is possible to design and redesign virtually the barriers' at a relatively low cost. Taking into consideration an experimental approach, it is impossible to achieve such results, and such an advanced design. The authors also pointed out the issue of reliability of the results obtained by simulation. Determination of accuracy of numerical models should always be preceded by identity material research oriented to determine the constants for material models. Experimental validation of the numerical results is also required. Some results of experimental validation of numerical modelling based on bending of B-type guide of a road barrier at an angle of 20°and collision of Suzuki Swift vehicle with a fragment of a road barrier in varies configurations are presented. The graphs of forces in a function of displacements and accelerations of the vehicle at the selected points were compared. The division into finite elements and preparation of a numerical model were performed in HYPERMESH system and dynamic calculations in LS-DYNA system, which is advanced implementation of the finite element method to the fast-changing phenomena. The analysis took into account the gravitational interaction and contact with friction.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., fot., rys.
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA