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The aim of the study is to explain the performance of butterfly swimmers over 100 m butterfly using a set of selected morphometric, kinematic and hydrodynamic parameters. Parametric modelling and mul-tivariate analysis are used in order to define synthetic variables (indices) describing kinematic and morphometric parameters. The possibility of predicting the performance V]00 (mean velocity over 100 m butterfly) using morphology variables is tested. The results showed that the parametric model proposed describes well the performance. The selected kinematic parameter X|lip (instantaneous hip displacement) varies little among the swimmers, whereas for the parameter k (describing the variation of the displacement patterns) highly different values have been obtained. Hip displacements vary essentially according to their shapes - high k values corresponding to swimmers acceleration at the end of the cycle, and low k values corresponding to swimmers with more regular displacements. Thus, k was selected as the only parameter to describe the hip displacement patterns. A negative relation between the performance and the hydrodynamic variables has been obtained confirming that every increase of flow resistance get worse performance. A positive relation between the performance and the individual morphological data has been found, i.e. light and sharp swimmers have in general higher performance. No relation between k and the morphology has been observed. On the contrary, a negative relation between the hydrodynamic variables and the morphology has been obtained.
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Bibliogr. 30 poz., tab., wykr.
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