Vol. 14, No. 4
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This paper presents an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) approach to the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). RCPSP as a generalization of the classical job shop scheduling problem belongs to the class of NP-hard optimization problems. Therefore, the use of heuristic solution procedures when solving large problem is well-founded. Most of the heuristic methods used for solving resource-constrained project scheduling problems either belong to the class of priority rule based methods or to the class of metaheuristic based approaches. ACO is a metaheuristic method in which artificial ants build solutions by probabilistic selecting from problem-specific solutions components influenced by a parametrized model of solution, called pheromone model. In ACO several generations of artificial ants search for good solution. Every ant builds a solution step by step going through several probabilistic decisions. If ant find a good solution mark their paths by putting some amount of pheromone (which is guided by some problem specific heuristic) on the edges of the path.
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Bibliogr. 24 poz., rys.
- Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Engineering Process Automation and Integrated Manufacturing Systems, ul. Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice
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