Vol. 44, nr 4
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The notion "functional atom" (FA) was created in the Center of Tribology at the Technical University of Sofia, in the field of tribology as interdisciplinary science. The functional atom is formed of 3 components similarly to the basic contact system "body-contact-counterbody". This notion assigns the central role of contacts in the interaction of bodies in nature, techniques and society. The idea for the FA is expressed in the fact that its two alternatives "body" and "counterbody" do not interact directly, but through the third body - the contact between them, and the contact networks in the whole functional space of the atom. Six postulates as basis of the model, theory and application of FA are formulated in the pressent work. The application of FA is illustrated with concrete examples: the development of the macrostructure of tribology as interdisciplinary science; formulation and using of General law of the contact interaction of bodies in the functional space of tribology - friction, wear, lubrication, contact deformation, contact conductance and capillarity. Other illustrations and applications of the model of FA in triboecology, tribotechnologies, engineering education, etc.
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Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys.
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