Vol. 42, nr 4
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Testing the tribological exploitation of PEEK/BG material and bearing steel
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań tribologicznych bezsmarowego skojarzenia ślizgowego PEEK/BG - stal łożyskowa, przeprowadzonych testerem T - 05 dla zmiennych nacisków (0,5/1,5 MPa) i zmiennych prędkości ślizgania (1/2 m/s). Jeden z partnerów skojarzenia jest kompozytem na bazie tworzywa PEEK (polieteroeteroketon) z napełniaczami: grafitu, włókna węglowego i PTFE (kompozyt PEEK B/G przewyższa inne, tradycyjne materiały pod względem właściwości tribologicznych). Natomiast drugi partner - stal łożyskowa jest dobrany ze względu na swoje właściwości związane z odpornością chemiczną, odpornością na zużycie, stabilnością wymiarową itp. W badaniach zastosowano kompletny plan doświadczenia PS/DK - 3 sup. 2. Badania stanu powierzchni elementów skojarzenia przed i po współpracy ślizgowej przeprowadzono profilografometrem TalySurf firmy Taylor Hobson.
The paper presents exploitation test results of sliding - lubricant-free couple PEEK/BG material and bearing steel. The application of a bearing steel partner in PEEK/BG material sliding couple was caused by the bearing steel functional qualities. Those qualities are as follows: steel hardness and ductility, elasticity limits, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, dimensional stability and most of all abrasion resistance. All those properties influence the so called durability of the operating period, which should in turn impact the durability of PEEK/BG - bearing steel coupling. Testing the changes of surface measures geometrical structures of the coupling were conducted with fully equipped Talysurf surface analyzer from the company Taylor Hobson, this allows measuring even the most complicated shapes of the microstructure. With the use of an implemented complete plan of the experiment PS/DK - 3 sup. 2 and statistical calculations, it was possible to introduce a function of the subject matter concerning the mass wear of the material, depending on changes in pressure and velocity used in the testing of PEEK/BG - bearing seel coupling. The evaluated function of the subject matter is based on CADEX:ESDET computer program, and is in the mathematical form of normalized values. Upon analysis of the friction coefficient in the whole plan of testing, it may be concluded that poportionally to the friction path growth, the coefficient value decreases in every examined sliding coupling; in some cases it amounts to 0.1. This shows the superfinishing of cooperating surfaces, especially surfaces of material samples. On the basis of stereometrical parameters, before and after the cooperation, of cooperating surfaces PEEK/BG - bearing steel, one may conclude that a change took place in the surface geometrical structure manifesting itself as change in parameters and irregularity shape. It means that between the cooperating surfaces occurred a grind-in process which manifests itself in 2D and 3D parameters.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 7 poz., rys., tab.
- Uniwersytet Śląski, Wydział Informatyki i Nauki o Materiałach, Zakład Technologii Warstw Powierzchniowych, ul. Śnieżna 2, 41-200 Sosnowiec, tel. (032) 368-95-64, (032) 368-95-79,
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Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA