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Inorganic phosphorus released from littoral bottom sediments plays significant role in phosphorus budget of a whole ecosystem. An aim of the study was to assess a role of small invertebrates in phosphorus remineralization in hydroarenal (See Fig.1 in Preface). Hydropsammon organisms (i.e. bacteria, algae, ciliates, rotifers and crustaceans) living in a layer of submerged sands along the edge of a lake (=hydroarenal) were studied in psammolittoral of the deep, eutrophic Lake Mikołajskie (North-eastern Poland) in 2005. Sampling cores were taken at a station 1.5 m from water.s edge once or twice a month since April until October 2005. Each time three samples were taken: 5-cm thick water layer (AWL - adjacent water layer), 0.5-cm thick layer of water and sand from the transitory level (EPIH - epihydroarenal) and 2-cm thick slice of sand (ENDOH - endohydroarenal). The rate of phosphorus excretion was calculated using the appropriate regression equations expressing the relation between individual weight of organism and P excretion adjusted to the ambient temperature. Phosphorus remineralization by the psammon community (calculated for all ciliates, rotifers and crustaceans) was ca. 10 times higher than the maximum rate noted in lake pelagial. The most important role in the process was played by small ciliates, and in periods of high remineralization rate - by small cladocerans. Omnivores, feeding mostly on bacteria and small algae, played the most important role in all three studied layers, especially in periods of the highest rate of P remineralization, thus all kinds of food were used and mineralized. Predators do not seem to play significant role in P remineralization. In hydroarenal significant role seems to be played by processes involved in microbial loop. This suggestion is supported by strong domination of ciliates, main consumers of nanoflagellates, in the process of P remineralization. It seems that phytopsammon and psammic bacteria demands for phosphorus cannot be satisfied merely through the in situ remineralization by microinvertebrates.
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Bibliogr. 35 poz.,Rys., tab.,
- Institiute of Biology, University of Białystok, Świerkowa 20B, 15-950 Białystok, Poland, jolanta@onet.pl
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