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2010 | Vol. 58, nr 2 | 211-219
Tytuł artykułu

The impact of UV radiation on metabolism of neustonic and planktonic bacteria in eutrophic lake

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Języki publikacji
The range of solar radiation reaching the air-water inter-phase, medium wave UV radiation, i.e. UVB 290-320 nm and UVA 320-400 nm, is of the highest biological importance due to its harmful effects. Radiation within this range causes DNA damage (lethal effect) or limits the growth of organisms by inhibiting enzyme synthesis, reducing active transport, or by inducing mutations. The studies were carried out in 2007 based on samples water collected from surface microlayer (SM) (up to 150 [mu]m) and subsurface water (SSW) (25 cm) of pelagic zone of eutrophic lake. The representative collection of bacterial strains was isolated from collected samples. The following are measured: the DNA and cellular protein synthesis activity, respiration activity of the bacteria and activity of hydrolytic enzymes in control cultures, subjected to UVB radiation (applied dose 100 mW cm[^-2]) and with and without humic substances (HS) (final concentration 100 mg L[^-1]) playing role of compounds potentially protective from UV radiation. UVB irradiation had the strongest inhibiting impact on production of DNA in bacterial cells (12-23% of that in non-irradiated samples). UVB radiation also inhibits the synthesis of cellular protein (27-43% of that in non-irradiated samples) and bacterial respiration activity (44-48%). UVB radiation had by far the lowest impact on the activity of hydrolytic enzymes. HS may function as a protective agent against UV radiation only in DNA synthesis. No significant differences in response to UVB were found between planktonic and neustonic bacteria.

Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 37 poz.,Rys., tab.,
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