Vol. 56, nr 1
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The morphological variation of Chara rudis A. Braun oospores was examined in a local population in a deep (43 m), hardwater (34 mg Ca dm[^-3]) and mesotrophic (P[tot] 0.095 mg P dm[^-3], SD 8 m) lake (NW Poland). Two variants of population density and three variants of depth were taken into account. Oospores are 712.8 [plus or minus] 37.6 (600-817) [mi]m long and 452.6 [plus or minus] 34.2 (350-516) [mi]m wide. They have 8-13 ridges. The outer membrane is slightly granulated. The isopolarity index (length/width x 100) is 158.4 [plus or minus] 9.9 (140-190). The variation coefficient varies from 5% for oospore length to around 10% for fossa width. It was shown that the differences between oospores coming from individual depth and density variants are statistically significant. The biggest (733.21 [plus or minus] 33.3 [mi]m) oospores occurred on individuals growing at a depth of 3 m, while the smallest ones (673.3 [plus or minus] 43.4 [mi]m) at 5 m. The oospores from highly dense aggregations (> 50 individuals x 0.1 m[^-2]) were much longer and wider than oospores from scattered (<10 individuals x 0.1 m[^-2]) individuals. The observed intrapopulation variation of oospores can be regarded as a response to environmental changes along the depth gradient.
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Bibliogr. 42 poz.,
- Department of Plant Ecology, University of Gdańsk, Al. Legionów 9, 80-441 Gdańsk, Poland,
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