Vol. 53, nr 4
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The diminution of biological diversity is widely observed throughout the world in a variety of plant communities. Species protection itself is an insufficient form of preservation of the Siberian Iris population. A serious threat to this species is systematic diminishing of its typical habitat - Molinietum caeruleae plant community, i.e. Molinia meadows on calcareous, peaty or clayey-silt-laden soils. Its maintenance is possible only through conservation and restoration of the plant communities in which it occurs.
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Bibliogr. 18 poz., tab.
- University of Opole, Department of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Kominka 4, 45-035 Opole, Poland,
- University of Opole, Department of Ecology and Nature Conservation, Kominka 4, 45-035 Opole, Poland
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