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Widoczny [Schowaj] Abstrakt
Liczba wyników
2002 | R. 99, z. 5-Ś | 63--72
Tytuł artykułu

Bilanse wodne śródleśnych oczek wodnych

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Warianty tytułu
Water balances of forest ponds
Języki publikacji
The paper is based on the investigations carried out in the area of the Siemianice Experimental Forest Complex of Agricultural University of Poznań, in the catchments of two forest ponds.The site of the research is located within the Southern-Wielkopolska Lowland situated within the Wieruszowska Wysoczyzna. The ponds in focus are similar as far as their area is concerned i.e. the first one: 0,13 ha and the other one:0.10 ha, and depth reaching 1m. The catchment surface of the first pond measures 7.6 ha while the other one 19,4ha. The areas neighbouring the ponds are occupied by moist habitats and in the upper parts fresh mixed habitats covering 90% of the surface. The catchments are dominated by pine stands aging from 86 to 110 years. Pond 1 situated in a small size depresion is of thawed - out type. The other pond (number 5) situated at the foot of the morene slope is intensively fed by stream waters which provide a continuing water outflow from the pond in the course of the year. Field research comprising: measurements of both water levels in the ponds and groundwater levels, regular registration of outflows from pond 5 and pedological procedings was conducted in 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 hydrological years. The output of the research of water balances of the two small ponds were analysed against the background of and in relation to the characteristic groundwater levels of the neighbouring forest areas. Existing retentional capabilities of the catchments of the two discussed ponds indicate their varied influence, as small retentional reservoirs, on water management in the close forest habitats areas.Pond number 5 situated at the foot of a morene slope and intensively fed by stream waters, providing a continual and insignificantly changeable outflow from the pond in both half-years, shows only slight amplitudes of oscillations of water levels i.e. 0,4-2 cm. Fairly static water levels in the pond stabilize lowering water levels in the neighbouring forest areas, especially in the period of drought. The levels of the water in pond 1 are strictly connected with the existing groundwater levels in its catchment. The amplitudes of the oscillations of water levels in the pond are slightly lower than the ones of groundwater levels in the neighbouring forest habitats. In winter hydrological half-years, spring perionds and rainy summer seasons, the pond is fed by groundwaters, and at the time of summer and autumn droughts it feeds groundwaters itself. The results of the evaluations of water balances of the two catchments indicate that water circulation of pond 1 is more tightly connected with water cycling in the catchment than in case of pond 5. Varied water inflowsreaching the ponds are significant, apart from the amplitudes of oscillations of water levels in the ponds and groundwater levels and pond and catchments water retention connected with it. In water balance of pond 5, both in winter and summer half-years they present similar values due to continual stream water feeding process. The research shows that ground inflows to pond 1 are meaningfully varied and retained waters feed groundwaters of the neighbouring forest habitats in the periods of drought.
Słowa kluczowe

Opis fizyczny
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  • Katedra Melioracji i Kształtowania Środowiska Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu
  • Katedra Melioracji i Kształtowania Środowiska Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu
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Praca wykonana w ramach projektu badawczego nr 5 PO6H 067 16 finansowanego przez KBN.
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