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Bibliogr. 25 poz.
- Katedra Makroekonomii Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
- 1. Brown S., Eisenhardt, K. Competing on the edge: strategy as a structured chaos. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, USA. 2000.
- 2. Bullock, P., Rahman, S. Soft TQM, hard TQM, and organizational performance relationships: an empirical investigation. Omega Nr. 33. 2005.
- 3. Buszko A. Rynek budowlany w okresie transformacji. Economic Science. Wydawnictwo UWM. Nr. 5 2003 (a)
- 4. Buszko A. Zmiany w eksporcie uslug budowlanych. Ekono-mika i Organizacja Przedsiebiorstw. Nr. 11 2003 (b)
- 5. Dean Jr., J. W., & Bowen, D. E. Management theory and total quality: improving research and practice through theory development. Academy of Management Review. Nr. 19 1994
- 6. Grady R. B. Practical Software Metrics for Project Management and Process Improvement. Pretince Hall. New York. 1992
- 7. Grint K. Management: a sociological introduction. London: Polity Press; 1995
- 8. Hunter D., & Schmitt B. Six sigma: benefits and approaches. Chemical Week. Nr. 161 1999
- 9. Imai M. Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success. Random House. New York. 1986
- 10. Jha, S., Noori, H., Michela, J. L. The dynamics of continuous improvement—aligning organizational attributes and activities for quality and productivity. International Journal of Quality Science. Nr. 1 1996
- 11. Jung Joo Y., Wang Yong Jian. Relationship between total quality management (TQM) and continuous improvement of international project management (CIIPM). Technovation. Nr. 26 2006
- 12. Kanji, G. K. An innovative approach to make ISO 9000 standards more effective. Total Quality Management Nr. 9 (1), 1998.
- 13. Lai, K. H. Market orientation in quality-oriented organizations and its impact on their performance. International Journal of Production Economics Nr. 84 (1), 2003.
- 14. Manley J. E. . Symbol, ritual and doctrine: the cultural vtool kit' of TQM. Journal of Quality Management. Nr. 3 1998
- 15. McAdam R., Leonard D. An evaluative framework for TQM dynamics in organizations. International Journal of Operations and Production Management Nr. 23(6) 2003
- 16. Prajogo D. J., Sohal A. S. TQM and innovation : a literature overview and research framework. Technovation. Nr. 21 2001
- 17. Puffer, S. M., & McCarthy, D. J. A framework for leadership in a TQM context. Journal of Quality Management. Nr. 1 1996.
- 18. Quazi, H. A., Jemangin, J., Kit, L. W., Kian, C. L. Critical factors in quality management and guidelines for self assessment, the case of Singapore. Total Quality Management Nr. 9 (1), 1998
- 19. Reed R., Lemak D. J, Meroc N. J. Total quality management and sustainable competitive advantage. Journal of Quality Management Nr. 5 2000
- 20. Reed R., Lemak D. J., & Montgomery, J. C. Beyond process: TQM content and firm performance. Academy of Management Review. Nr. 21 1996
- 21. Rocznik Statystyczny. GUS. Warszawa. 2002
- 22. Samson D., Terziovski M. The relationship between total quality management and operational performance. Journal of Operations Management Nr. 17 1999
- 23. Shea, C. M., & Howell, J. M. Organizational antecedents to the successful implementation 01 total quality management: a social cognitive perspective. Journal of Quality Management. Nr. 3 1998
- 24. Sobczyk M. Statystyka. PWN. Warszawa. 2002
- 25. Wilkinson A., Willmott H. Making quality critical-new perspectives on organizational change. Routledge; London. 1994
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