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2004 | Vol. 23 | 79-91
Tytuł artykułu

Some new 14C data to the bronze age in the Slovakia

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Języki publikacji
The data come from samples from the archaeological site Včelince (Slovakia). It is a settlement of a multicultural character. The stratigraphy of the layers VII .I assigns chronological sequence: the Hatvan culture, Hatvan-Otomani Horizon of the Hatvan culture, Otomani/Füzesabony culture circle, the Koszider Horizon, Piliny culture. There were applied animal bones for the samples of 14C. They came from the pits as well as from the layers dated by typology, horizontal and vertical stratigraphy. The 14C data confirm the chronological order indicated by the stratigraphical observations in the site. It is the very first 14C measurement in the case of the Hatvan culture in Slovakia. Mesurment of the earliest layer of the Hatvan culture in Včelince provides the data (Bln 5560: 3710š38 BP) which is comparable with the data of the earliest Hatvan culture in Hungary. A part of the teritory of Slovakia can not be excluded from the process of its origin also in spite of the data mentioned above. As the dates are coming from tratigraphically and typologically clearly defined contexts, they are of high importance for the Bronze Age archaeology of the region.

Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 28 poz., rys., tab.
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  • Archaeological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences Akademická 2, SK 949 21 Nitra. Slovakia
  • Archaeological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences Akademická 2, SK 949 21 Nitra. Slovakia
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