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Geosynthetics for repair of asphalt pavement
Języki publikacji
Stosowanie geosyntetyków w nawierzchniach asfaltowych wymaga przestrzegania ściśle określonych zasad postępowania w doborze geotekstyliów, zaprojektowaniu warstw współpracujących oraz przy wykonaniu robót.
Słowa kluczowe
- Politechnika Krakowska
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- [2] Oe Bondt A. H.: Effect of reinforcemenet properties, Proceedings of the Fourth International RILEM Conlerence .Hetlective Cracking in Pavements", Ottawa, 2000.
- [3] European Cooperation in the Field ot Scientilic and Technical Research: Proposal for a new COST Action COST 348: Reinforcement ot Pavements with Steel Meshes and Geosynthetics (REIPAS), Finland, 2000.
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- [7] Nunn ME: An investigation of ref/ection cracking in composite pavements in the United Kingdom, Proceedings of the First lnternational RILEM Conlerence "Retlective Cracking in Pavements" Liege, 1989, pp. 146-153.
- [8] RILEM REPORT 18: Prevention ot Rellective Cracking in Pavements, State-ol Art. Report ot RILEM Technical Committee 157 PRC, Systems to Prevent Rellective Cracking in Pavements Edited by A.Vanelstraete and L.Francken , E& FN SPON, 1997.
- [9] Terlouw T. & others: On the failure strain ofasphalt mixes produced with SBS-modified binders, Proceedings ot the Third lnternationa RILEM Conlerence .Betlectlve Cracking in Pavements", Maastricht, 1996.
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