R. 4, nr 12
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Determination of material constants laminated composite plates with different ply reinforcement
Języki publikacji
Koniecznym warunkiem do określenia własności fizycznych kompozytów wzmocnionych tkaniną modułową jest przeprowadzenie rozszerzonych badań, eksperymentalnych lub analitycznych. Ten pierwszy sposób, czyli badania eksperymentalne w przypadku ogromnej różnorodności dostępnych tkanin modułowych, osnów i struktur możliwych do otrzymania, stanowiłby bardzo duże nieekonomiczne przedsięwzięcie. Dlatego też najlepszym rozwiązaniem tego problemu jest stworzenie metody analitycznej, przewidującej własności fizyczne tych materiałów, co znacznie ograniczyłoby liczbę koniecznych badań eksperymentalnych. Praca ta przedstawia prymitywną teorię, opartą na nieco rozbudowanej teorii mieszanej dla kompozytów wzmocnionych tkaniną modułową. Określa stopień wiarygodności prostych wzorów, służących do oceny własności laminatów poprzez porównanie wyników teoretycznych z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
Extensive studies are required to determinate values of material constants laminated composite plates with fabric reinforcement. The quantification can either be done experimentally or analytically. The innumerable diversity of woven fabrics, matrixes and potential combinations of the weave pattern in the fabric reinforced composites would make any experimental program very large and uneconomical. In this connection the best solution of this problem is to develop an analytical method to predict fabric composite behavior and validate the methodology through limited experimental studies. This validated analytical model can be used later to predict fabric composite behavior or to design fabric composites for a given set of conditions. In this work, a primitive theory has been shown, which is based on somewhat complicated theory for composites with fibre reinforcement. The purpose of this work is to study, in what degree the simple formulas, roughly estimating lamina properties, could be authenticated. This work consists of three parts. In the first part, composite model is presented (Fig. 1) that is considered as laminate consists of two unidirectional fibres-reinforced lamina. They are stacked that one lies crosswise against another and they can not displace between themselves. Unidirectional fibres are described by properties such as Young's modulus E(f), Poisson's rate v(f). Fibers are embedded in a isotropic matrix material described by properties such as Young's modulus E(0), Poisson's rate v(0). On the basis of this model, primitive theory is created, that makes the certain assumptions and restrictions, as stated here: perfect joint between layers, linearly elastic and orthotropic material of each layers, small strains and displacements, equal thickness of layers. At the end of part one author presents formulas of calculation Young's moduli of the laminate. Additionally author considers using the apparent Young's modulus of compressed fibre to calculating material constants of laminate. The second part includes formulas, that are used to determining shear module of laminate. Here analytical solutions are developed for optional computing elastic constants, which were present in the part one. In the last part comparison between theoretical and experimental measurements of material constants is presented (Tab. 1) to check effectiveness of present algorithm. Figures 1-3 show respectively laminate model, two cases of simple loading composite model by elementary force.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 3 poz., rys., tab.
- Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Mechaniki i Konstrukcji, ul. Narbutta 85, 02-542 Warszawa
- [1] Wilczyński A.P., Polimerowe kompozyty włókniste, WNT, Warszawa 1996.
- [2] Wilczyński A. P., J. Mater. Sci. Letters 1992, 11, 482-483.
- [3] Niranjan K.N., Woven fabric composite, Technomic Publishing Company 1994.
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