Warianty tytułu
The contribution of Polish specialists in high-voltage materials engineering to activity of international electrical organizations CIGRE and IEC
Języki publikacji
Czynny udział polskich specjalistów w rozwój elektrotechniki datuje się od końca XIX w., tzn. sięga okresu, zanim Polska odzyskała niepodległość. W artykule przedstawiono polskie osiągnięcia w zakresie wysokonapięciowej inżynierii materiałowej. Sczególnie podkreślono osobisty wkład w te prace prof. J.I. Skowrońskiego oraz jego licznych wychowanków i współpracowników.
A valuable contribution of Polish specialists made to development of electrical engineering dates back to the end of the XIX century, the period before Poland gained its independence. In the paper, we present the accomplishments of Polish specialists in high-voltage materials engineering. In particular, personal contricution of Professor J.I. Skowroński and his numerous collaborators are emphasized.
Opis fizyczny
Bibliogr. 59 poz., fot.
- Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Elektrotechniki
- Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Elektrotechniki
- Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Elektrotechniki
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- [5] J.I. Skowroński, Influence de la porosité sur quelques proprieté de la porcelaine électrotechnique, Paris, Session 1931.
- [6] J.I. Skowroński, Comparison of the flash point of oil in closed and open vessels as one of the methods of control of the condition of insulating oils, Session 1952, Rep. 110.
- [7] Z. Siciński, The method of tan testing of insulating oils at low tension and increased temperatures and frequencies, Session 1958, Rep. 127.
- [8] J.I. Skowroński, Recherche d’une methode convenable pour mesure de la rigidite dielectrique des huiles isolantes, Session 1962, Rep. 131.
- [9] J.I. Skowroński, Z. Pohl, The effect of the type of pollutions on the selection of the shape of outdoor insulators and testing, Session 1968, Rep. 25-07.
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- [13] R. Włodek, R. Gacek, Investigations of the influence of gas discharges on the gassing processes of insulating liquids, Ref. SC-15/WG-01, Helsinki, 1977.
- [14] J. Szuta, Outlooks for the discharge acoustic emission use to the detection and location of incipient electric faults in power transformers, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-01, Helsinki, 1977.
- [15] H. Latour-Słowikowska, Study on mixed insulating filmpoliester tissue-oil insulation system, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG- 01, Paris, 1978.
- [16] R. Włodek R. Gacek, Investigation of the correlation of gas discharges and gassing processes in insulating liquids, Ref, CIGRE SC 15/WG-01, 1978.
- [17] R. Włodek, On the identification of partial discharges by means of the characteristics of pulse energy, Ref, CIGRE SC-15/WG- 01, 1979.
- [18] J. Słowikowski, K. Gwóźdź, The results of chromatographic analysis of gases dissolved in 110 kV potential transformer oil, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-01, Paris, 1982.
- [19] H. Latour-Słowikowska, Application of infra-red spectroscopy (IR) in thermal ageing tests of cellulose in sealed paper-oil insulating systems, CIGRE SC 15/WG-01, 1983.
- [20] H. Latour-Słowikowska,J. Słowikowski, Changes of chemical reactions and their influence on the evaluation of thermal endurance of paper-oil insulation systems, Symp. Of SC15, Berlin, 1985.
- [21] H. Latour-Słowikowska, J. Słowikowski, J. Kulikowski, S. Witczak, Investigation of insulation systems of sealed distribution transformers after their many years service, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-01, Paris, 1986.
- [22] H. Słowikowska, The chromatographic methods in investigation into thermal ageing of cellulose investigation used in power oil transformers, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-01, Paris, 1988.
- [23] H. Słowikowska, J. Wasiukowa, DGA by Head-space technique, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-01/TC-07, Budapest, 1998.
- [24] J. Błądek, A. Rostkowski, H. Słowikowska, J. Wasiukowa, Application of the thin-layer chromatography for screening analysis of 2-furfural in transformer oil samples, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-01, Paris, 2000. WG 15-02
- [25] A. T. Buliński, J. R. Juchniewicz, Voltage ageing tests of layer insulation samples impregnated with liquid nitrogen, Ref, CIGRE SC 15/WG-02, Paris, 1974.
- [26] J. Słowikowski, L. Dybowski, Measuring results of the quality of hydrogen evolving from silicon oil under the action of an electric arc, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-02, Paris, 1978.
- [27] R. Włodek, Comments on discharge inception test for dielectric liquids and on their gassing properties, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG- 02, Paris, 1982.
- [28] R. Włodek, R. Gacek, K. Wywijas, Remarks and conclusions on discharge inception test for dielectric liquids, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-02, Praha, 1983.
- [29] R. Włodek, Low intensity partial discharges in insulating liquids, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-02, Paris, 1984.
- [30] J. Fleszyński, B. Lutyński, Macroparticle – initiated breakdown of insulating oil, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-02, Padva, 1985.
- [31] H. Latour-Słowikowska, Adaptation of gas chromatography to simultaneous determination of air and moisture in unaged sulphur fluoride, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-03, 1975.
- [32] J. Goliński, Insulation coordination of SF6-insulated substations for time ranges below 2μs, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG- 03, 1-IWD, Paris, 1976.
- [33] L. Dybowski, J. Słowikowski, J. Lampe, H. Słowikowska, Research on tests of materials intended for operation in SF6 submitted to arc discharges, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-03, Paris, 1978.
- [34] H. Słowikowska, M. Czaplicka, J. Lampe, J. Słowikowski, Some remarks on the application of equivalent atmospheres in investigation of material resistance to the arced SF6, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-03, 1987.
- [35] H. Słowikowska, Study of the physicochemical phenomena accompanied SF6 decomposition produced by arc discharges, Ref. CIGRS SC15/WG-03, London, 1991.
- [36] H. Słowikowska,T. Łaś, J. Słowikowski,R. J. Brunt, Modification of cast epoxy resin surface during exposures to partial discharges, Int. VII Symp. Gaseous Dielectrics, Knoxville,USA,1994; CIGRE SC15/WG-03, Paris, 1994.
- [37] I. Łosiewicz, H. Słowikowska, Gas chromatographical measurement of SF6 inside the room with GIS 110 kV, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-03, Paris, 1996.
- [38] H. Słowikowska, J. Słowikowski, Investigation of SF6 decomposition products and of other gas products which form during PD exposure of solid dielectric surfaces, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-03, Paris, 1996.
- [39] B. Florkowska, J. Zalewski, Investigations upon partial discharges in capacitors with polypropylene film with the use of multichannel analyzer CIGRE SC15/WG-05, 1975.
- [40] B. Florkowska, J. Zalewski, Application of multichannel analyzer for assessment of the capacitor drying process, CIGRE SC15/WG-05, Helsinki, 1977.
- [41] J. Winkler, I. Zając, T. Subocz, Accelerated evaluation method of long time behaviour of high voltage composite insulators in different environment conditions, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-06, Paris, 1978.
- [42] M. Wasilenko, A new approach to the needle test of polyethylene, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-06, Paris, 1978.
- [43] B. Florkowska, S. Syrek, The application of thermally stimulated currents method to the investigations of insulating foils, CIGRE SC15/WG-06, 1984.
- [44] S. Głuchowski,,J. Juchniewicz, Ion injection versus water treeing, Ref, CIGRE SC15/WG-06, Padva, 1985.
- [45]B. Florkowska, Z. Lechowski, Investigation of the structural changes of thermosetting micapaper turbine generator insulation under the action of electrical discharges, CIGRE SC15/WG-07, Paris, 1980.
- [46] B. Florkowska,J. Zalewski, Partial discharge investigations in power capacitors with nonchlorinated impregnant, CIGRE SC15/WG-07, Paris, 1980.
- [47] B. Florkowska, A. Prochownik, Partial discharge action in electrical insulating systems of rotating machines, CIGRE SC15/WG-07, Paris, 1983.
- [48] B. Florkowska, Investigations of dielectric losses and partial discharges in insulating systems containing the PET-foil, CIGRE SC15/WG-07, Paris, 1984.
- [49] B. Florkowska, Measurements of partial discharges by means of computer aided system, CIGRE SC15/WG-07, Paris,1992.
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- [51] B. Florkowska,Z. Lechowski, R. Włodek, Application of partial discharge detection to the quality control of the insulating systems for high voltage rotating machine, Int. Conf. Large High Voltage Electric Systems, Paper 15-08, pp. 1–6, CIGRE SC15, Session, Paris, 1962.
- [52] B. Florkowska, Investigation of the PET-foil for the insulation of rotating machines, CIGRE Symposium, Vienna, 1987
- [53] H. Słowikowska, S. Jankowicz, S. Słowikowski, J. Lampe, Some remarks on extrapolation of laboratory results of SF6 byproducts analysis to the application for the surveillance of GCB, Paper 400-06, Section 4, CIGRE Symposium, Vienna, 1987
- [54] A. Hyrczak, H. Słowikowska, J. Słowikowski, I. Łosiewicz, Contribution to the SF6 circuit-breakers (CB) diagnosis by gas analysis, Ref, CIGRE, Session 2000,Panel 1, Paris, 2000.
- [55] Cz. Królikowski, A. Rakowska, Influence of structural changes of XLPE on dielectric properties of cable insulation, III International Conference on Polymer Insulated Power Cables JICABLE ’91, Paris–Versailles, France, SEE, CIGRE, IEEE, UNIPEDE, June 1991, s. 249–252.
- [56] A. Rakowska, PE and XLPE medium voltage cables – service experience and examination of insulating state, IV International Conference on Polymer Insulated Power Cables JICABLE ’91, Paris–Versailles, France, 25–29 June 1995, s. 327–332.
- [57] A. Rakowska, K. Hajdrowski, Progress in quality of XLPE insulation for medium voltage cables, V International Conference on Polymer Insulated Power Cables JICABLE ’99, Paris–Versailles, France, 20–24 June 1999, s. 370–375.
- [58] A. Rakowska, K. Hajdrowski, Effect of ageing on volume resistivity of different kinds of polyethylene cables insulation, JICABLE 2003, June 2003, Paris.
- [59] S. Janiszewski, A. Rakowska, Influence of some selected service conditions on properties of XLPE applied in insulated or covered overheads conductors, , JICABLE 2003, June 2003, Paris, s. 341–344.
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