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Successive phases of the Siekierczyna landslide evolution (the Beskid Wyspowy Mts., Outer West Carpathians) are related to Holocene climatic changes. Three phases of the landslide rejuvenation have been radiocarbon dated at: 3.8 ka, 2.9 ka and 2.2 ka. During these phases the valley of the Lasówka stream was dammed with colluvium and formed a natural dam lake. Mobilisation of the landslide occurred in response to strong climatic changes (cooling and wetting), recorded for the Subboreal Phase (ca. 4.2-3.8 ka and 3.3-2.9 ka), as well as (especially strong) at the start of the Subatlantic Phase (ca. 2.4-1.8 ka BP). Results of dendrochronological analysis indicate that the youngest phases of ground mobilisation were triggered by heavy rainfalls which caused floods in the Carpathians in years: 1940-41, 1958 and 1960, as well as in 1970-1974.
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Bibliogr. 60 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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