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2003 | nr 74 | 57-73
Tytuł artykułu

Late Glacial-Holocene paleoenvironmental evidence recorded in the Hajduki peat bog (Beskid Średni Mts., Outer Western Carpathians)

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In the upper part of the Ziębówka stream valley (a tributary of the Raba River) in the Beskid Średni Mountains, a landslide's peat bog of fen type occurs, which was developed in the Late Glacial. Total thickness of the deposits reaches ca. 3.3 m. The peat bog, filled with decomposed peat, woody osier peat, moss fen peat and sedge peat, is covered by minerogenic sediments (clay) ca. 1.4 m thick. The analysis of the deposits (pollen analysis, radiocarbon datings, lithological studies) have allowed to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental changes in the Late Glacial and the Holocene. Radiocarbon datings obtained from the bottom of the peat bog (13.8 ka and 13.9 ka) suggest that the depression was formed during the Oldest Dryas Stadial. The beginning of peat bog development was dated by pollen analysis at the late Bolling or the early Allerod Interstadials. In the Allerod and Younger Dryas portion of the log, repeated cyclic delivery of minerogenic sediments connected with the permafrost thawing took place. The beginning of the Holocene is very well marked in the log by a gradual delivery of minerogenic sedaments, as an effect of permafrost thawing, related to climatic warming. Minerogenic cover of the peat bog, which was formed at the beginning of the early Subboreal, is preceded by an hiatus, and probably erosional removal of a part of the deposits (BO-AT), due to strong hydrometeorological events connected with the early Subboreal increase in humidity. Minerogenic sediments were deposited during the late Subboreal and the Subatlantic. The horizons of the charcoal accumulation were found in the bottom middle part and at the top of minerogenic cover. These findings suggest that the onset and prolonged sedimentation of minerogenic material in the peat bog was connected with some stages of anthropogenic deforestation in the neighbourhood, during stages of prehistorical and early Middle Age settlement.

Opis fizyczny
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