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On the south slope of the pass between Kotoń Mt. and Pękalówka Mt. (Western Carpathians, Beskid Makowski Range), there occur big landslide with longitudinal deppressions, felt up of minerotrophic mire, with particularly long sequence of the Late Glacial deposits. The sediments were analysed by palynologic, macrofossils and sedimentological methods. Climatic changes of the Late Glacial and the Holocene were registered as changes in regional and local vegetation, as well as changes in the sediments. The maximal depth of the deposits amounts to about 4.7 m. On the bottom there occurs silt with gravel and a thin layer of decomposed peat, dated by 14C at 12, 140-70 years BP. Above, peat of the moss fen and sedge-moss fen type occurs, covered by a thick layer (thickness about 0.9 m) of minerogenic deposits (clay and silty clay). The beginning of the minerogenic cover sedimentation was dated at ca. 8, 230-80 years BP. The results of pollen analysis, confirmed by radiocarbon datings, show that the landslide depression was created in the Bolling Interstadial. The peat accumulation was started in the Older Dryas. The sedimentation of minerogenic deposits covering the mire, began during the strong wet phases registered in the Early Atlantic, and being continued in the wet periods of the Subboreal and Subatlantic.
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Bibliogr. 88 poz., rys., tab., wykr.
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