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17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems
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The growing importance of information security in organizations is undisputed. This is particularly true of local governments, because modern administrative action is no longer conceivable today without electronic communication media and IT procedures. The complexity of information technology, the increasing degree of networking (also with citizens) and the dependence of the administration on IT-supported procedures has led to the fact that the security of information technology and associated processes must be given a higher priority and a corresponding cybersecurity strategy must be substantiated. Existing approaches either fall short or cannot be applied to the context of local government without revision and adaptation. In this article, case studies of implementations of IT security projects in local government are examined. Specific focus is on the differences between information security management system (ISMS) implementations of different hierarchical levels of governmental organizations. The results show current challenges in increasing the resilience of the local government.
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Bibliogr. 52 poz., tab.
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