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The twenty eight lunar mansions vis-a-vis magical practices
Języki publikacji
The article is devoted to the issue o f the the twenty eight lunar mansions (Moon stations) and the magical practices based on their talismans as described in the Libro de la Luna, the third part o f Libro di astromagia, an astrological-magical treatise attributed to King Alfonso X the Wise. The main purpose of the article is to pinpoint the essence of the practices in question and to try to establish what type o f magic: natural, demonic or theurgic, they belonged to. Lunar mansions arc groups of stars which delineate the path of the Moon along the ecliptic during succcssive 27 or 28 nights. The astronomical system based on the mansions was well-known in ancient China, India and Persia, and perhaps derives from the Sumcrian-Babylonian tradition. The astronomical-magical dimensions of the system are connected with the Greek tradition, while the practices based upon it, which used lunar talismans, may have arisen in the town o f Harran, in northern Mesopotamia. The practices described in the articlc were based on the belief, stemming from the ancient model of the Cosmos, that the Moon was an intermediary between the heavenly and earthly world, and a transmitter of planetary influences. The power of the 28 lunar mansions and their talismans derived from the soul of the world, which transferred it to the fixed stars. It was from those that the power was derived by planets in their apogee, and later, when the planets moved to their perigee, they transferred it to the entities of the sub-lunar world, i.e stones, plants, animals and people. The character and properties of the mansions and their talismans depended on the quality and character o f the fixed stars, zodiac signs and planets with which the Moon was associated at a given time. In order to draw upon those forces, a special ritual was developed using talismans of the mansions, invocations and fumigation. The practices involved had a lot in common, on the one hand, with natural magic, in that they also utilized only the natural links between heavenly and earthly entities, but sometimes were used for evil purposes, and, on the other, with astral and talisman magic, which relied on talismans o f the 7 planets and 12 zodiac signs made and used in accordance with the arrangement o f heavenly bodies; there was a connection to theurgy, as well, in that the practices also required a proper spiritual and physical preparation, even though unlike theurgy they served only for practical purposes. The magical practices described in the article combined elements of various kinds o f magic and since they cannot be classified as belonging to any o f the varieties, the term ''Harran magic” proposed by Garcia Aviles has been adopted in the article to refer to them. A characteristic feature of Harran magic was that during the ritual the magician directed his invocations not to the planets themselves but to the intermediary angels. The magic based on the 28 lunar mansions was reflected in the Squire’s Tale o f the Canterbury Tales, a 14th-century poetic work by Geoffrey Chaucer. The mansion used by the magician to create illusions can be identified with mansion 19 according the the zodiology of Hermuz, the fifth part o f the Libro de la luna, which favours adultery, illusion and deceit.
Opis fizyczny
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