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Purpose: The aim of the article is to indicate the macroeconomic factors and their potential impact on the economy in the conditions of crises in the regional system in Poland and in peripheral areas of the regions, based on the example of the Mazowieckie province. Design/methodology/approach: The study includes theoretical research on the impact of macroeconomic phenomena on development processes and empirical research on changes in macroeconomic indicators in crisis conditions. The research covered 314 communes and 37 districts in Poland and in the Mazowieckie province. The analytical and descriptive method of the impact of changes on the socio-economic development was used. Findings: Theoretical research proves that macroeconomic instability affects the course of economic processes. The increase in interest rates and inflation may limit investment activity and reduce the efficiency of management. This poses a threat to the company's and state's performance. Empirical research has shown that in Poland there has been a deterioration in the economic situation in the regions and in the peripheral areas of the regions. Research limitations/implications: The broad context of economic and social changes resulting from many crisis phenomena is a difficult subject of research. There are serious difficulties in accessing reliable sources and the continuity of source data, which limits research opportunities. Practical implications: Identification of changes in factors adversely affecting development and leads to the need to monitor the macroeconomic situation and current changes taking place in enterprises, and indirectly relates to social changes. Hence, it is necessary to conduct further research in a systemic perspective and to take appropriate remedial measures. Social implications: The research revealed the influence of negative factors on the phenomena taking place in the economy. The effects are wide-ranging and there is a risk of worsening both nationally and globally. Specific changes in the social sphere, including lowering the standard of living, are a derivative of crisis phenomena. The social consequences are already visible, further effects may occur in the future. Originality/value: (mandatory) The article raises the problems of economic development in the face of crisis phenomena. The instability of development in the conditions of significant macroeconomic changes requires detailed analyzes of conditions and effects in the long term.
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