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Purpose: The purpose of using the method is to obtain information on the social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry, taking into account the phase of design, implementation, monitoring and impact assessment for the industry and local communities. Design/methodology/approach: The theses presented in the article have been verified using: literature review, critical literature analysis, document research and comparative analysis. The article presents a research method enabling social assessment of barriers and determinants of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry under the just transition mechanism. The method of researching the social perception of the hard coal mining employment restructuring process, due to the specificity and complexity of the issue under consideration, uses various, mutually complementary methods and techniques of social research: quantitative and qualitative. Findings: As a result of the analyzes and surveys carried out, a set of conclusions can be presented, the most important of which include conclusions relating to social issues – implementation of the economic transformation in mining communes and poviats is possible in the coming years, but the communes are not prepared for the transformation. The negative effects of the employment restructuring process on the local economy may be noticeable in significant liquidation of enterprises cooperating with entities restructuring industry, reduction of revenues to the budget of local government authorities and reduction of demand on the local market. Originality/value: The article enriches knowledge and develops a discussion in the area of social perception of the employment restructuring process in the mining industry. The attempt to capture the phenomena and processes presented here that may result from the transformation of hard coal mining in Poland is aimed at a better comprehension of the task that may be played by the local government in the area of which operating or closed mines and mining companies are located. On the basis of the results of the survey, it is mainly noticed that there is a need to define the challenges and tasks that should be undertaken in real action by the institutions responsible for the transformation of mining communes – especially due to the need to limit the social and economic consequences that may appear in the transformation process, both in the area of mining communes mining and in their surroundings.
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