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Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which real-time monitoring of vehicles and the collection of operational data about them through telematic systems can contribute to the reduction of operating costs in a transport company. The study focuses on specific factors such as the driver's actions, which can affect the vehicle's technical condition and diesel consumption levels. Methodology: The research is based on an analysis of operational data obtained from the vehicles of a transport company engaged in international freight transportation. The data were primarily analyzed for an indicator related to total fuel (diesel) consumption while driving. Linear models were created using the least squares method, and the best-fitting models were selected to draw conclusions about the impact of telematic systems on the company's costs. Results: The study found that the introduction of a telematic system can have a positive impact on a transport company's operations and help reduce costs associated with the execution of transport orders. The analysis of the data showed that individual factors, such as driving time, average axle load, and average travel speed, can affect the total driving fuel consumption of all vehicles and contribute to the overall cost reduction. Theoretical contribution: This paper contributes to the understanding of the role of telematic systems in the optimization of fleet planning and management, which is a crucial aspect of the logistics of transporting goods. The research provides insights into the potential of real-time monitoring and data collection for improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of transport companies. Practical implications: The findings of this study can be useful for transport companies looking to improve their operations and reduce costs. The research highlights the importance of using telematic systems in the right way to carry out the transportation of goods and suggests that real-time monitoring and data analysis can be key to minimizing costs and maximizing profits.
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