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The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly and permanently changed modern life in the private and professional dimensions, where numerous consequences of the virus have affected employees and employers. Both groups were forced to implement numerous changes to ensure the work process’s safety. The multi-dimensionality of this concept and, consequently, the multi-directionality of its potential and required actions taken by companies have become the basis for a theoretical and practical analysis of conditions for supporting broadly understood employee safety during the COVID-19 pandemic in selected production companies in Poland. The pilot studies’ results indicated the leading direction and scope of actions taken so far, their main types, stimulating factors and barriers, perceived benefits and future trends. The article’s conclusions may form the basis for universal good practices supporting the safety of employees in the production sector, which, regardless of the duration of the pandemic, may be used as effective and efficient improvement measures in generating measurable benefits for all stakeholders.
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Bibliogr. 44 poz., tab., wykr.
- University of Łódź, Poland, anna.wronka@uni.lodz.pl
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